故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁133&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁251-252&*許良標,活動年代約在清末(西元十九世紀),生平待考。 畫仙人乘鳳凰,或即西王母。仙童執花蓋,白鹿馱壽桃隨侍。景物清晰,設色鮮麗,祝嘏慶壽之掛幅。人物、鳳凰、白鹿之染色,有受西洋繪畫明暗凹凸光影畫法之影響。&*Female Taoist Immortal Hsü Liang-piao (19th c.) Ch’ing Dynasty Little is known about the life of Hsü Liang-piao, except that he lived towards the end of the Ch’ing dynasty. Pictured here is a female Taoist immortal riding on a phoenix as they sail through the sky attended by a servant holding a flowering branch. A white stag laden with peaches of immortality follows behind. The forms are painted using bright colors and crisp, detailed lines. This kind of painting would have been hung to celebrate birthday occasions. The washes of color for the figures, phoenix, and deer are done in a Westernized technique of shading that emphasizes the surface and suggests three-dimensionality.