國立故宮博物院刺繡,黑白圖版95&*刺繡特展圖錄,頁92、134&*滿繡填地五彩線繡。文殊菩薩駕獅圖。無款印。本圖中駕象者,為一羅漢形相。唯據經典紀錄,駕象隨侍釋尊右側者,應為普賢菩薩。又根據「法華經」所載,普賢菩薩曾發願後世有修習該經者,「我當乘六牙白象與無量菩薩而自圍繞,以一切重生所喜見身,現其人前,而為說法」據此,本幅刺繡中化現為羅漢法相者,應是普賢。是幅與釋迦牟尼佛、文殊菩薩圖、及本院所藏其他十大明王圖像,共計十三件合稱清繡線佛像十三軸。每幅繡像構圖嚴謹,配色明麗,繡種多樣,工整精美,觀其繡風應當是乾隆時代宮廷刺繡,件件皆精品。&* 滿繡填地五彩線繡普賢菩薩乘象圖。根據法華經所載,普賢菩薩曾發願若後世有修習該經者,「我當乘六牙白象與無量菩薩而自圍繞,以一切眾生所喜見身,現其人前,而為說法。」據此,本幅刺繡中化現為羅漢法相者,應是普賢菩薩。 是幅與釋迦牟尼佛、文殊菩薩圖、及本院所藏其他十大明王圖像,計十三件合稱清繡線佛像十三軸。每幅繡像構圖嚴謹,配色明麗,繡種多樣,工整精美。 &* This scroll is filled with colored threads and shows the bodhisattva Samantabhadra as an old man in a cart drawn by a white elephant. According to the Lotus Sûtra, Samantabhadra is said to have made a vow to preach the Buddhist Law in order to bring joy and fulfillment to humanity. This old figure in the form of a lohan is thus a manifestation of Samantabhadra, the Bodhisattva of the Law. This work probably once formed part of an exquisite set composed of Shâkyamuni, Mañjusri, and the 10 Deva Kings. The compositions are all clearly defined and the colors opulent. Various embroidery techniques were employed, and the needlework is very refined. This set probably was made in the Ch’ien-lung reign (1736-1795).&* 據經典記錄,駕象隨侍釋尊右側者,應為普賢菩薩。又根據法華經所載,普賢菩薩曾發願,「若後世有修習該經者,我當乘六牙白象與無量菩薩而自圍繞,以一切眾生所喜見身,現其人前,而為說法。」據此,本幅刺繡中化現為羅漢法相者,應是普賢菩薩。白象駕車,全身裝飾華麗,背上蓮花座騎,上馱透明匣盒內置經書。二僕役嬉象於左右,普賢菩薩雙臂扶欄,盤腳俯視高坐車上。車頂華蓋四周彩雲繚繞,雲端之上顯現白象六隻。是圖應為普賢菩薩乘象圖。使用五彩色線刺繡,但其他無圖案空白之處,亦用平繡填滿。同樣是滿繡填地之作。 通幅繡工精整,設色明麗。是軸亦為本院所藏清繡線佛像十三軸之一。全部佛像共計十三軸,觀其繡風,當為乾隆時代宮廷精品刺繡。 &*This scroll is filled with colored threads and shows the bodhisattva Samantabhadra as an old man in a cart drawn by a white elephant. According to the Lotus Sutra, Samantabhadra is said to have made a vow to preach the Buddhist Law in order to bring joy and fulfillment to humanity. This old figure in the form of a lohan is thus a manifestation of Samantabhadra, the Bodhisattva of the Law. This work probably once formed part of an exquisite set composed of Shakyamuni, Manjusri, and the 10 Deva Kings. The compositions are all clearly defined and the colors opulent. Various embroidery techniques were employed, and the needlework is very refined. This set probably was made in the Ch?en-lung reign (1736-1795).