緙織風華:宋代緙絲花鳥展圖錄,頁43-46&*國立故宮博物院緙絲,圖版8&*深褐色地設色織。此幅構圖簡單,一隻小水鴨在水面上輕快地游著,悠然自得。色彩簡淡清雅,層次分明,將小水鴨憨厚的神態表現得栩栩如生。此幅織紋鬆緊不勻,但緙織技巧尚佳,以「摜」法排比出既具流暢的彎曲線條,並且利用淺綠與米白色表現色階的變化。另外,水鴨羽色分色簡單,輪廓部分以「勾」法仔細緙織,在較大的鋸齒空隙,並運用「搭梭」法將空隙填補,技巧樸拙穩健,別具特色。 &*In colors woven against a dark ochre background is a simple composition of a solitary duck swimming quickly through the water in a natural and leisurely manner. The colors are light and elegant with distinct gradations to the layers, emphasizing the straightforward expression of this duck in a very lifelike way. The weaving threads in this work are not quite even, but the tapestry is still fine nonetheless. The “flinging” method was used to arrange the fluid and curving lines, with light green and creamy white colors expressing variations in the gradations of the hues. Furthermore, the distinctions in colors for the duck’s feathers are simple, the “knotting” method employed for the outlines in a delicate weaving method. The “shuttle joining” method was utilized to fill the large saw-tooth gaps and reduce their spacing, creating the simple and stable quality that marks this work. This is the ninth leaf in the album “Collected Brocade of Carved Paintings.” &*1.童文娥,〈緙絲鴨〉,收入童文娥主編,《緙絲風華 — 宋代緙絲花鳥展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2007年初版一刷),頁43。