故宮博物院緙絲,圖版5&*緙織風華:宋代緙絲花鳥展圖錄,頁29-30&*淺褐地設色織。折枝菊花一枝,菊花是由很多花瓣組成一頭狀花序,兩朵複瓣花卉差參相伴,花形碩大,姿態優美。菊花自古便受文人讚賞,有「壽客」、「金英」和「黃華」等別名,是高風亮節、清雅潔身的象徵。此幅織法勻整,變化自如,運梭如運筆,以「勾」法清楚地將菊花繁複的花瓣輪廓及鋸齒狀的葉緣勾出,並用墨色加強輪廓,花朵造形飽滿,花片層次豐富,構圖簡單,與宋代折枝花卉作品有異曲同工之妙。 &*Woven in colors against a light brown background is a branch of chrysanthemums. The two large, elegant and poised blossoms are composed of many petals clustered together and arranged delicately in order. The chrysanthemum has been praised by scholars since antiquity and referred to by such names that translate as “long-life guest,” “golden par excellence,” and “yellow opulence.” It symbolizes the lofty and upright character of a pure and elegant scholar. The weaving in this work is even and natural in its variations, the manipulation of the shuttle similar to that of a brush. The “knotting” method clearly reveals the outlines of the complex petals and the saw-tooth shape of the leaf edges, with ink added to emphasize the lines. The shapes of the blossoms are full and the layers of the petals rich. Despite the simple composition, this rivals the best of single-branch flower painting of the Sung dynasty. This is the fourth leaf in the album “Collected Brocade of Carved Paintings.” &*1.童文娥,〈緙絲菊花〉,收入童文娥主編,《緙絲風華 — 宋代緙絲花鳥展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2007年初版一刷),頁29。