緙織風華:宋代緙絲花鳥展圖錄,頁25-28&*國立故宮博物院緙絲,頁15&*白地緙織八哥一隻,攀立在桃花枝上,側頭凝視著飛舞的蜜蜂。此幅刻工能得宋人花鳥冊頁的畫意,雖然在尾羽上較圖案化,但不管是在八哥的眼神或姿態都相當寫實逼眞。織線疏密間距較大,設色雅淡。在八哥腹部、頸部及桃枝都有磨損。本幅為「鏤繪集錦冊」第三幅。 &*This image of a mynah bird is woven against a background of white silk. The mynah is perched on a blossoming peach branch with its head cocked as it stares at a bee buzzing about. The skill in weaving this tapestry reflects much of the bird-and-flower genre of painting in the Sung dynasty. Though the tail feathers are patternistic, the gaze and pose of the mynah are quite realistic. Though there is considerable looseness in the woven threads, the coloring is light yet elegant. The peach branch and belly as well as neck of the mynah appear to have been damaged at one point. This tapestry is the 3rd leaf from the album “Gems of Weaving”. &*素地設色織。八哥一隻,攀立在桃花枝上,側頭凝視著飛舞的蜜蜂。構圖極為簡單,緙工能得畫意,花朵結構簡單具圖案化,卻饒富生意,尤其以「摜」法和「摻和戧」法仔細緙織出天然的設色層次,將葉子的翻轉與橢圓形花苞,表現得生動自然。此幅設色雅淡,織線疏密出入甚大,八哥腹部、頸部及桃枝皆有磨損,並以色補染堆疊在已斷裂的絲線上,應是裱修時裱工後加,卻不掩其技術的精巧,得宋代冊頁花鳥畫意。 &*The image of a mynah is woven in this tapestry of colored threads against a plain background. The bird is perched on the branch of a blossoming peach tree, turning its head to gaze at a bee buzzing around. The composition is straightforward but the weaving quite painterly. The structure of the blossoms is also simple and patterned yet full of life. In particular, the “flinging” and “join propping” weaving methods delicately portray the layers of color in a natural manner, realistically conveying the turning leaves as well as round blossoms and buds as they grow in a lifelike, natural way. The coloring in this work is light and elegant but exhibiting distinct differences in the density of woven threads. The body and neck of the mynah and the peach branch are all abraded. Colors were added in layers to mask the broken threads, probably reflecting a restoration from a previous remounting. Nonetheless, it still reveals a masterful technique also found in bird-and-flower album leaf painting of the Sung dynasty. This is the third leaf in the album “Collected Brocade of Carved Paintings.” &*1.童文娥,〈緙絲八哥桃花〉,收入童文娥主編,《緙絲風華 — 宋代緙絲花鳥展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2007年初版一刷),頁25。