石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁2078&*國立故宮博物院緙絲,黑白圖版25&*藍地設色織。一株萱草孤挺在湖石旁,石下幾朵靈芝相襯。構圖簡單,卻寓含吉祥意義,取名為〈萱蓉芝秀〉,應為祝壽之用。 此幅織法緊密,細緻精巧。為了表現湖石、萱草及靈芝質地與色彩層次的暈染,運用了各式的戧色方法,如以「木梳戧」法的戧色方法,按顏色的深淺,表現石塊的陰陽向背。又利用「摜」的和色方法,使色彩的深淺變化層次暈染有致,強調萱草的翻轉姿態,畫面寫實自然,可見緙工技術造詣之不凡。&*Woven in color against a blue background is a solitary daylily plant growing by decorative rocks, below which are several spirit fungi, a symbol of immortality. This work is simple yet rich in auspicious meaning, probably having been meant as a blessing for longevity. The weaving in this tapestry is compact and refined. Various “propping” color methods were used to express the quality and layers of color washes in the daylily, rocks, and spirit fungi. For example, it utilizes the method of harmonizing colors known as “comb propping” to express the volume of the rock through variations in the light and dark layers of the washes. The propping color method known as “flinging” also effectively portrays the turning of the daylily using variations in the light and dark colors to suggest layers of wash. Meticulous and exquisite, the surface here is realistic and natural, revealing the extraordinary skill of the weaver.&*1.童文娥,〈緙絲萱蓉芝秀圖〉,收入童文娥主編,《緙絲風華 — 宋代緙絲花鳥展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2007年初版一刷),頁73。