故宮書畫錄(卷七),第四冊,頁18&*宋室南渡後,高宗趙構(1107-1187)積極招攬畫人,重建宮廷畫院,並致力於蒐求散佚書畫,致使南宋的藝文活動得以迅速振興並續作發展。 本幅畫高宗頭戴烏紗展腳幞頭,身著朱紅袍服。相貌溫文儒雅,雙目炯炯有神。此像在保存過程中,曾經遭受嚴重傷損,清代重加裝池時,將原本破損的背景移除,易以另絹,並用色粉調墨罩染,雖然色澤參差不勻,所幸實景部分猶能看出原畫大致的面貌。(20101015)&*After remnants of the Song court moved the south, Gaozong (Zhao Gou, 1107-1187), the first emperor of the Southern Song, actively searched for artists in an effort to reconstruct the court painting academy. He also strove to reassemble an imperial collection from the scattered works of painting and calligraphy, resulting in the quick rise and continued development of artistic activities in the Southern Song. This portrait shows Emperor Gaozong wearing a black gauze cap with long horizontal slats and a crimson robe. With his gentle and refined scholarly appearance, his eyes seem to sparkle with life. This work was once severely damaged at some point in its history. When remounted in the Qing dynasty, the originally damaged background was removed and replaced with silk, to which coloring was washed in ink to match the rest. Although some difference appears in the colors, the originally coloring can fortunately still be seen in the surviving portion.(20101015)&*宋の南渡後、高宗趙構(1107-1187)は積極的に画人を招聘して宮廷画院を再建し、散逸した書画の収集にも力を尽くしたため、南宋の芸術文化は急速に振興し発展していった。 本作に描かれた高宗は烏沙製の展腳幞頭をかぶり、真紅の袍服を身にまとっている。その表情は穏やかで気品があり、双眸は力強く輝いている。本作は保存状態が悪く、かなりの損傷があったが、清代に装池(書画作品の縁飾り)を施した際に傷んでいた背景部分が取り除かれ、色粉に墨を混ぜて塗りつぶした別の絹布が貼ってある。色むらがあるとはいえ、幸いにも実景部分から原画のおおよその様子がわかる。(20101015)&*1.劉芳如,〈宋高宗坐像〉,收入何傳馨主編,《文藝紹興:南宋藝術與文化•書畫卷》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2010年十月初版一刷),頁336。