石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁2234&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁116&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十二冊,頁355-356&* 唐岱(西元一六七三-一七五二年尚在),滿州人。字毓東,號靜巖,又號知生、默莊。畫山水師法王原祁,官內務府總管,以畫祇候內廷,康熙賜「畫狀元」。 青綠設色畫山水,一人書齋中讀易,秋色滿林,顏色豐富,但是一片明淨,一無塵念,真是好讀書天。畫法用筆細緻,山石都用乾皴,這是唐岱一貫的畫風。款署乾隆元年(一七三六)故知此畫是六十四歲所作。 &*Reading The Book of Changes in an Autumn Forest T’ang Tai (1673-after 1752) Ch’ing Dynasty T’ang Tai (style name Yü-tung and sobriquets Ching-yen, Chih-sheng, and Mo-chuang) was a Manchurian who served as Supervisor of the Imperial Household Department as well as a court painter, modeling his landscapes after the style of Wang Yüan-ch’i (1642-1715). During the reign of the K’ang-hsi emperor (r.1662-1722), he held the position of Palace Attendant and was awarded a degree in painting (hua chuang-yüan) by the emperor. In this blue-and-green landscape painting of a landscape, a figure is seen reading The Book of Changes in a countryside study. Autumn colors of the trees fill the painting. The rich colors are not only bright, but also pure, making it a perfect day to read a book. The brushwork is refined and the texture strokes defining the mountain forms are dry, which are typical of the style of T’ang Tai. His inscription is dated to 1736, when he was 63.