石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第六冊,頁2544-2545&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁245-246&*王紱(西元一三六二-一四一六年),江蘇無錫人。字孟端,號友石,又號九龍山人、青城山人。永樂間,以墨竹名天下,兼善山水。 王紱畫竹遠承宋代文同,近學元代顧安、吳鎮,善寫竹之秀姿妍態,本幅畫石間叢竹,即是一例。以濃淡墨色寫竹之正反向背,畫石多乾筆,具簡淡之意,也顯現出其蕭散自在的特色。本幅為「名畫薈珍」冊第八幅。&*Wang Fu was a native of Kiangsu who in the Yung-lo reign (1403-1424) was famous for painting bamboo in monochrome ink and also excelled at rendering landscapes. Wang Fu's painting of bamboo follows loosely after those of Wen T'ung (1019-1079) and more closely after the Yuan (1279-1368) artists Li K'an and Wu Chen to create elegant and graceful representations. This painting of bamboo among rocks is such an example. Using dark and light ink to differentiate between the bamboo in front and back, the rocks, on the other hand, have been done mostly in abbreviated, dry brushwork to reveal his free and easy manner of painting. This is the 8th leaf from the album Collected Rarities of Famous Paintings.