石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1161&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁91&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十冊,頁5-6&*王鐸(一五九二-一六五二),字覺斯。河南孟津人。明天啟二年(一六二二)進士,入清官至大學士,諡文安。為人好古,高爽博學,工詩古文。行草宗二王,正書出鐘繇,亦能自出胸臆,名重一世,與董其昌並稱。 王鐸亦工繪畫。本幅畫遠山近樹,中鋒側鋒並用,筆快速而健勁,墨韻濃潤,結構雖簡,蓋游神涉筆,而不失真意。 &* Wang To, tzu (style name) Chűeh-shih, was a native of Meng-chin in Honan province. In the second year of the Ming Emperor Hsi-chung’s reign (1622) he won the Chin-shih degree. After the Ch’ing dynasty took over the rule of China in 1644 he served at the Ch’ing court, eventually rising to the position of Academician. Open-minded and lofty, Wang To was learned and excellent in composing poems and essays. He was also skilled at calligraphy of various scripts. While still alive, his fame equaled that of Tung Chi-chang (1555-1636). Wang To was good painting too. In this painting, Wang used his brush in upright or sideward position with speed and force and applied ample ink to create a landscape with simple composition but rich in ink tonality. Though free and spirited, it captured the essence of a landscape.