石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第五冊,頁2197&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁105&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁349-350&* 張鵬翀(西元一六八八-一七四五年),嘉定(今屬上海市)人。字天飛(或作天扉),一字抑齋,號南華,人稱漆園散仙。善繪事,尤精山水,師承元四家。 畫大江兩岸景緻,一邊是茅亭紅樹散置在蜿蜒的坡岸上,並點綴著數處湍泉;另一邊則是崇山垂瀑,遠山層疊,漸行漸遠。通幅用筆用色疏朗,讓人充份領受到一份秋高氣爽的感覺。 &*Autumn View of the Western Mountains Chang P’eng-ch’ung (1688-1745) Ch’ing Dynasty Chang P’eng-ch’ung, a native of Chia-ting (modern Shanghai), excelled at painting (especially landscapes) and followed the styles of the Four Great Master of the Yüan. In a scene along the banks of a large river, thatched huts and autumn trees are scattered along the winding slope of one side. On the other appears a cascade from a majestic peak with layers of distant mountains in the background. The use of brush and colors in this work is clear and invigorating, providing viewers with a sense of the coolness of deep autumn.