石渠寶笈三編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁583&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁15&*永瑆(一七五二-一八二三),乾隆皇帝十一子,乾隆五十四年封成親王。永瑆自幼專精書法,深得古人用筆之意,早年師法趙孟頫,後又轉學歐陽詢,書法名重當時,尤工楷書。 本軸臨自乾隆御筆之〈九成宮醴泉銘〉,據題識可知,乾隆是臨自內府所收柯九思書九成宮醴泉銘並將尺幅縮小。此幅小楷書用筆俊逸,融合歐字的遒勁與趙書的娟秀,字體雖小,結體卻極為疏朗,頗有清麗靈秀的韻致。 &*Yung-hsing, 11th son of the Ch’ien-lung Emperor (Kao-tsung), was enfeoffed as crown prince in 1789. As a youth, he delved into calligraphy, achieving the ancients’ brushwork. In his early years he followed Chao Meng-fu’s style but later turned to Ou-yang Hsün’s, becoming famous for calligraphy, especially regular script. This is a copy after the Ch’ien-lung Emperor’s version of the stele “Sweet Spring at Chiu-ch’eng Palace.” According to the signature, the Emperor did a reduced version after K’o Chiu-ssu’s in the imperial collection. This work in small regular script uses handsome and untrammeled brushwork, combining the vigor of Ou-yang’s style with Chao’s elegant beauty. The characters are small but quite clear, having a pure and spirited harmony.