石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁675&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁92&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十冊,頁47-48&*赫奕(活動於康熙、雍正朝),字澹士,號南谷,姓赫舍里氏,隸屬滿洲正黃旗。官至工部尚書。性澹泊,琴書之外專事於畫。初學黃鼎,繼為王原祁弟子。 本幅採元代畫家倪瓚一河兩岸構圖,融入吳鎮畫中常見的漁父題材,並以筆墨詮釋黃公望山水,宗法元人。上有康熙皇帝書寫董其昌畫評,強調士人作畫須重筆墨以去「甜俗」,題於承德避暑山莊。 &*Ho I, a Manchurian of the Plain Yellow Banner, was originally surnamed Heseri and served as Minister of Works. Tranquil and reserved by nature, he pursued painting as well as the zither and calligraphy. In painting he first studied under Huang Ting but later became a student of Wang Yüan-ch’i. This work uses the “one river, two banks” composition of the Yüan painter Ni Tsan, here combined with Wu Chen’s subject of the old fisherman and Huang Kung-wang’s landscape manner, thus harking back to Yüan literati painting. Above is a critique by Tung Ch’i-ch’ang written by the K’ang-hsi Emperor, emphasizing that the scholar-painter must focus on the brushwork to remove the “sweet and vulgar,” signed at the Ch’eng-te Summer Mountain Retreat.