石渠寶笈續編(圓明園等處),第七冊,頁3878&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁561&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十三冊,頁7-8&* 張宗蒼(西元一六八六-一七五六年),江蘇吳縣人,字默存,一字墨岑,號篁村。善山水,出黃鼎之門,為王原祁再傳弟子。乾隆辛未(一七五一)入都,祇候內廷。 江潮壯闊,遠岸山巒重重。波浪洶湧浩大,遇崖石處,激起銀色的怒濤。山石林木之筆墨,頗得王原祁鬆秀蒼茫之趣。 &*Tide at the Mouth of the River Chang Tsung-ts’ang (1686-1756) Ch’ing Dynasty Chang Tsung-ts’ang was a native of Wu-hsien, Kiangsu. His style names were Mo-ts’un and Mo-ts’en, and his sobriquet was Huang-ts’un. He excelled at landscape painting and was a student of Huang Ting (1660-1730), who was a disciple of Wang Yüan-ch’i(1642-1715). In 1751, he was summoned to the capital to serve as court artist. In this painting, beyond the expanse of water lies a vast range of mountains layered into the far distance. Waves lap against the steep, rocky banks, giving rise to whitecaps which glow silver against the water. The brushwork in the mountains and trees to a great extent captures the unrestrained, elegant, and expansive style of Wang Yüan-ch’i.