石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1156&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁514&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十冊,頁91-92&* 惲向,生於明萬曆十四(西元一五八六)年,卒於清順治十二(西元一六五五)年,江蘇武進人。本名道生,字本初,後改名向,又以字行,號香山翁。愛好詩歌古文辭,善畫山水。早歲作品,氣厚力沉,全摹董源巨然畫法。晚年惜墨如今,蕭然自遠,意興則模擬倪瓚,自許頗得老秀二字。&*Fine Trees by an Autumn Pavilion Yün Hsiang Ch’ing dynasty Yün Hsiang (1586-1655) was a native of Wu-chin in Kiangsu. His personal name was originally Tao-sheng and his style name Pen-ch’u. He later changed his personal name to Hsiang, ementually adopting his style name, Pen-ch’u, as his personal name to Hsiang, ementually adopting his style name, Pen-ch’u, as his personal name, His sobriquet was Hsiang-shan weng. He was not only fond of poetry and ancient literature but a fine landscape painter. In his early landscape works there is a dense and ponderous quality modeled after the masters Tung Yüan and Chü-jan. He used ink sparingly in his later works so that they are lighter in feeling, and somewhat similar to those of Ni Tsan and Huang Kung-wang. This painting was completed when he was sixty-eight years of age. The ink is applied lightly with a dry brush in imitation of Ni Tsan, and well deserves the epithet ‘antique’.