石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2312&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁110&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十二冊,頁115-116&* 董邦達(西元一六九九-一七六九年),浙江富陽人。字孚存,號東山。雍正朝進士,乾隆時襄編〔石渠寶笈〕諸書,仕至禮部尚書。性好書畫,山水由董其昌入手,得元人筆墨精神,而以清麗取勝。 本幅題句,出自杜甫「返照」詩。崖壁陡峭,臨江而立,遠處山城,雲中隱現。此時夕陽西下,漁舟泊岸,山頭江水泛紅,正是返照歸雲景象。本院所藏董氏之「畫返照歸雲圖」與「畫杜甫詩意」,構圖皆與此畫相似。 &*After a Poem by Tu Fu Tung Pang-ta (1699-1769) Ch’ing Dynasty Tung Pang-ta (style-name Fu-ts’un, sobriquet Tung-shan) was from Fu-yang, Chekiang. Painting was his avocation. He began studying landscapes by following the style of Tung Ch’i-ch’ang (1555-1636). His exquisite brushwork possesses the spirited energy of that of Yüan painters. Tung received the chin-shih civil service degree in the Yung-cheng era (r. 1723-1735) and in the Ch’ien-lung era (r. 1736-1795) collaborated in the compilation of the Catalogue of the Imperial Collection (Shih-ch’ ü pao-chi). He also served in the Ministry of Rites. The title inscription for this scroll is taken from “Reflections” by Tu Fu (712-770). Cliffs rise steeply over the river; a mountain wall is visible through the clouds. Fishermen’s boats lie docked at the shore. The sun has just set in the west; the mountains and waters glow red, reflecting the retreating clouds. The composition of this painting is similar to Tung’s “Reflections of Retreating Clouds,” which is also in the collection of the Museum.