石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第四冊,頁1858&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁126&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十三冊,頁367-368&*姚文瀚(約活動於西元一七三六-一七九五年),北京人。號濯亭。乾隆時供奉內廷,工佛道人物。《秘殿珠林》評其道釋畫,堪與嚴宏滋、丁觀鵬比肩。 本幅畫市井賣漿的情景,男女老幼十人群集,或煽爐煮漿;或提壺販飲;或引頸而飲,場面熱鬧。漿擔、器物描繪仔細,一絲不苟。全作設色明淨秀麗,用筆精細挺勁,人物開面略施陰影,具立體感。&*Drink Vendors Yao Wen-han (fl. ca. 1736-1795) Ch’ing Dynasty Yao Wen-han, a native of Peking, was a court artist under the Ch’ien-lung Emperor who painted figures and Buddhist and Taoist subjects. Concerning the latter, the editors of an imperial catalogue mention that they stand out for their grandness-comparable to those of Ting Kuan-p’eng. This work represents a scene of drink vendors. This group, including men and women as well as the old and young, are shown carrying utensils as well as brewing, pouring, and consuming drinks-making for a busy scene. The representation of the utensils is delicate and refined. The coloring is clear and elegant, and the brushwork detailed and firm. The shading of the faces and utensils give them a three-dimensional effect.