石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第二冊,頁1155&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁93&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十冊,頁127-128&* 王翬(西元一六三二-一七一七年),字石谷,號臞橋,耕烟散人,烏目山人,江蘇常熟人。繪事得王鑑王石敏親授,勤觀摩古人名蹟,為清初正統派四王之一。 本幅描繪浙江海縣東海中之蛟門山,此山環鎖海口,吐納潮汐,出海口即大洋,為天設之險。王翬以南宗筆墨寫北宗青綠邱壑,清麗奇巧。畫中寫波濤洶湧,細膩生動。汪洋中,一帆乘風破浪而行,前景浪濤之動態與遠方煙雲籠罩之寧靜,成一強烈之對比。畫成於己巳(一六八九)。 &* Wang Hui (style name Shih-ku, sobriquet Ch’ ű-chiao, Keng-yen San-jen, Wu-mu-Shan-jen,) was from Ch’ang-shu, kiangsu. He was a protegé of Wang Chien and Wang Shih-min, under whose tutorage he carefully studied and emulated the works of the old masters. Wang Hui is known as one of the Four Wangs of the early Ch’ing dynasty. The scene depicted is that of Mt. Chiao-men in the Eastern Sea of Chen-hai Prefecture, Chekiang Province. This ring of mountains, encircling and confining the seaport there, inhales and spews out the tides as they rise and fall, and thus is a natural hazard to travellers setting forth on the seas. Wang Hui has utilized brush and ink of the southern painting school to render a very clear and attractive scene of blue-green hills and mountains of the northern style. The fiercely turbulent waves, portrayed in a lacy and delicate manner, appear very life-like and alive. On the entire body of water, only one sail, billowing with the force of the wind, speeds along. The movement of the waves, and the tranquility of the mountains partly obscured by thick, heavy clouds on the distant shores, from a striking contrast. The work was completed in 1689.