故宮書畫錄(卷四),第二冊,頁208&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十九冊,頁203-206&*吳派畫家對描繪家鄉四周的名勝風景特別感興趣,也留下不少紀遊的畫作與詩句。吳縣西南的石湖便是畫家們常遊之地,文徵明、文嘉等都曾以此為題而作畫。 錢穀(西元一五○八-約一五七八年),字叔寶,江蘇吳縣人。曾遊於文徵明門下,擅長山水、花鳥、人物,筆意脫俗,畫風文雅,頗受當時文人雅士的喜愛。本幅的設色淡雅,筆墨簡練,湖光山色,輕舟泛流,小橋人家,更覺景致秀麗。&* Wu School painters were especially interested in the scenic areas around their hometown. They did many works of painting and verse about the land. Stone Lake in southwest Wu-hsien was where many painters often traveled. Wen Cheng-ming and Wen Chia both did paintings on this site. Ch’ien Ku, a native of Wu-hsien in Kiangsu Province, once studied under Wen Cheng-ming. He excelled at landscape, bird-and-flower, and figure painting. His brushwork was refined and his style scholarly and elegant, being admired by literati of the time. This work in light colors was done with abbreviated brushwork, yet the scenery of the lake and hills with skiff, bridge, and residences give this painting a sense of utmost elegance and beauty. &*錢穀(西元一五0八─約一五七八年),字叔寶,江蘇吳縣人。曾遊文徵明門下,山水、人物、花鳥俱擅長,筆意脫俗,畫風文雅,頗受當時文人雅士喜愛。 石湖在吳縣西南,太湖支流,自胥口又東,出吳山,南曰白洋灣,折北匯於楞伽山下,為吳郡文人畫家常遊之所,故詩畫亦多以此為題,如文徵明、文嘉等皆有畫作流傳。錢氏以雅淡設色和簡練筆墨描繪,使景緻秀麗的山水更加引人入勝。&* Ch’ien Ku, a native of Soochow, studied under the scholar-artist Wen Cheng-ming. He excelled at landscape, figure and bird-and-flower painting. His elegant style was admired by the literati of his time. Stone Lake, located southwest of Soochow, lies along a tributary to Lake T’ai. From Hsü-K’ou to the east, one emerges at Mt. Wu. Flowing south at Pai-yang Bend, the tributary turns north and empties into Stone Lake at the foot of Mt. Leng-chia. This area was frequented by scholar-artists from Soochow, such as Wen Cheng-ming and Wen Chia, and often became the subject of their art. With light and elegant colors and simple yet deft brushwork, Ch’ien Ku has captured the enchanting scenery around Stone Lake for the pleasure of viewers.