石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1057&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁45&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十九冊,頁307-310&*此幅畫唐朝詩人白居易致仕後,居洛陽香山,與七十歲以上友人名士共九人,在唐武宗會昌五年(八四五)聚會歡醉吟詩的故實。人稱「香山九老」,亦稱「洛中九老」或「會昌九老」,後人思慕這段風雅韻事,因而產生了許多描繪賢者們讌集的作品。 黃彪(活躍於十六世紀間),號震泉,蘇州人。善畫,精於臨摹,據言嘗仿張擇端清明上河圖,幾欲亂真。&* This work is a rendering of the T’ang poet Po Chü-i after retiring from office. It is the story of him residing in Hsiang-shan, Loyang, and gathering with 8 other friends and celebrated figures over the age of 70 for drinking and poetry. They are referred to as the “Nine Elders” of either Hsiang-shan or Loyang. People later admired this elegant event in retrospect and produced many paintings depicting this elegant gathering. Huang Piao, sobriquet Chen-ch’üan, was a native of Soochow. He excelled at painting and was gifted at copying. It is said that he once copied the famous Sung painting “Up the River on the Ch’ing-ming Festival” by Chang Tse-tuan so faithfully that it could not differentiated from the original.