故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁115&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十二冊,頁337-338&* 黃鉞(西元一七五○-一八四一年),安徽當塗人。字左田,一字左君。乾隆庚戌(一七九○)進士。善山水,得蕭雲從遺韻。晚年專學麓臺,筆更蒼厚。兼善花卉,尤長畫梅。著有畫友錄、畫品等書行世。 湖石一垛,玲瓏剔透。背後薔薇數株,怒放含苞各盡其態。其下梔子、金鳳、榴花盛開爭艷。梔子以鈎花點葉法畫成,其他均沒骨寫意。設色鮮麗而不失雅緻。 &* Huang Yüeh (1750-1841), a native of Ch’ang-t’u in Anhwei province, Huang Yüeh, tzu (style name) Tso-t’ien and Tao-chün, received the chin-shih degree in 1790. Huang’s early landscape style was based on that of Hsiao Yün-ts’ung, but in his later years he studied Wang Yün-ch’i and his brushwork became increasingly hoary and broad. Huang was, furthermore, a skilled flower painter and in this genre he most often depicted plum blossoms. He was the author of two treatises on painting, Hua-yü lu and Hua-p’in. Behind a pleasingly weathered t’ai-hu stone are several rose bushes flourishing, each bud having its own attitude. Below are gardenias, buttercups and pomegranates in full bloom. Executed in the so-called “boneless manner,” the painting is imbued with freshness and elegance. &* 黃鉞(1750-1841),安徽當塗人。歷仕乾、嘉、道三朝,善山水花卉。 湖石一垛,用乾筆鉤皴,淡墨濕筆塗抹。月季數株含苞怒放各盡其態,花染以胭脂,枝梗以潤綠染底,加尖刺,葉片花青上染嫩綠。其下梔子、榴花盛開爭艷,梔子以墨筆鉤畫,花瓣、葉片採寫意法。榴花花瓣施以胭脂,葉片以花青、藤黃調和,並以濃筆鉤筋,樹幹則用雜色。全幅色墨並施,而不失雅緻。另月季又名長春花,有「長春」之意;石榴之果多子,象徵多子多孫。(20110102)&* Huang Yue, a native of Dangtu in Anhui, went by the style names Zuotian and Zuojun. He served the court under the Qianlong, Jiaqing, and Daoguang Emperors, excelling in the painting of landscape and flower subjects. He was one of the editors of the imperial catalogue Treasure Chests of the Stone Moat, Volume III and authored Record of the Friend of Painting and Categories of Painting. A solitary lake rock has been rendered here using dry lines and textures to which light ink from a moist brush was applied. Several Chinese rose plants in various stages of bloom appear with it, the blossoms washed in rouge. The branches and stems were painted with moist green washes along with jags and leaves washed in vivid green on top of cyanine blue. Below are jasmine and pomegranate in full and beautiful bloom. The jasmine was outlined in ink with petals and leaves done in the “sketching ideas” manner. The pomegranate petals were washed in rouge, the leaves colored with cyanine blue and gamboges yellow along with outlined tendons in dark brushwork. The trunk consists of various colors. Throughout the work, the ink and colors are integrated in a refined manner. The Chinese rose is also known as the monthly rose and in Chinese as “the flower of everlasting spring,” suggesting long life. The pomegranate, with its many seeds, is also a symbol for many children and grandchildren.(20110102)&*1.〈清 黃鉞 時華紀瑞〉,收入譚怡令、劉芳如、林莉娜主編,《滿庭芳 歷代花卉名品特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2010年十二月初版一刷),頁220。