故宮書畫錄(卷七),第四冊,頁35&*明宣宗(西元一三九九-一四三五),姓朱,名瞻基。明成祖長孫,明代第五位皇帝,西元一四二六至一四三五年在位,年號宣德,廟號宣宗,工於繪事。本幅設色肖像,畫宣宗面色紅黑,鬚髯豐茂,頭戴烏紗上折的翼善冠,身著雲龍黃袍,手扶嵌寶腰帶,端坐在雕飾精麗的龍椅上,下襯團龍錦氈。全作畫風寫實,衣紋線條曲折有力,並強調面目渲染以突顯人物特性,色彩艷麗,當出自明代宮廷畫家之手。(20120407)&*The Ming dynasty emperor Xuanzong (1399-1435) had the surname Zhu and the first name Zhanji. The eldest grandson of Emperor Chengzu, he was the fifth ruler of the dynasty. On the throne from 1426 to 1435 with the reign name Xuande, he was given the posthumous temple name Xuanzong. Also gifted at painting, this full portrait done in colors depicts Xuanzong with a dark countenance and a full beard. He wears a black gauze cap with wing-like projections folded upwards and is adorned in a yellow robe with cloud-and-dragon decoration. One hand holds onto his belt inlaid with precious materials as he sits on a beautifully carved dragon chair placed on a brocaded rug with coiled-dragon patterns. The painting style is quite realistic throughout and the angles to the drapery lines powerfully rendered, the washes of the facial area emphasizing the sitter's character. Judging also from its opulent colors, this work most likely came from the hand of a painter at the Ming court.(20120407)&*明宣徳帝(1399-1435)、姓は朱、名は瞻基。明成祖の最年長の孫、明朝第5代皇帝、在位期間は1426-1435、年号は宣徳、廟号は宣宗、絵画を得意とした。本作は着色の肖像画である。顔色は赤黒く、豊かなひげを蓄えている。烏紗を折り上げた翼善冠をかぶり、雲龍文の黄袍を身にまとい、手は宝石のはめ込まれた腰帯に置かれ、精美な彫刻で飾られた龍椅に端座している。椅子の下には団龍の文様の入った錦織の敷物が敷いてある。全体に写実的で衣服の線の変化には力強さがある。顔の部分を色でぼかすことによって人物の特徴が強調されており、色彩は鮮やかで美しい。明代宮廷画家の手による作。(20120407)