石渠寶笈續編(寧壽宮),第六冊,頁3012&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁116&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十二冊,頁363-364&*Landscape in the manner of Wang Meng T’ang Tai (17th-18th century) Ch’ing dynasty T’ang Tai (active during the K’ang-hsi and Ch’ien-lung reigns, 1662-1795) was a Manchurian. His style-name was Yü-tung and he was also known as Ching-yen and Mo-chuang. T’ang Tai excelled as a landscape painter and was a student of Wang Yüan-ch’i. The K’ang-hsi Emperor thought him the finest of all the imperial painters and the Ch’ien-lung Emperor appointed him a painter-in-attendance, favouring his paintings with many inscriptions and colophons. T’ang Tai’s work expresses a broad and stable spirituality. The structure of this painting shows a closely-interweaving texture of mountains and rocks; a wood glimmers in the background. Both brushwork and ink are tightly –packed, lending a sense of vigour and elegance to the work while at the same time expressing the essence of Wang Meng’s style. This painting is one of T’ang Tai’s best. &* 唐岱,康乾年間,滿州人。字毓東,號靜巖,一號默莊。善畫山水,出自王原祁之門,聖祖嘗御賜畫狀元。乾隆時,祇候內廷,所畫常得高宗睿題。作品氣息沉厚穩重。 此幅構圖,山石勾搭富有變化,樹木掩映幽深。尤以用筆茂密,用墨深鬱,滿紙蒼秀逼人,深得王蒙畫法三昧,為唐岱畫中,不可多見之佳作。