石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2412&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁121&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十三冊,頁99-100&* 張宗蒼(西元一六八六至一七五六年),江蘇吳縣人。一字墨岑,號篁村,晚號瘦竹。乾隆十六年因獻畫而蒙錄為祇候,官至戶部主事。山水畫出於黃鼎,當為王原祁再傳弟子。 此幅寫林壑雪景。山脈結體緊密渾實,以短筆乾墨反覆皴擦,襯出留白處積雪深厚之感。畫寒林則槎枒盤屈,揉和了李營丘的遺意。乾隆御題年款為癸酉(一七五三),時張宗蒼年六十八歲。 &*Snowscape Chang Tsung-ts’ang (1686-1756 A.D.) Ch’ing dynasty Chang Tsung-ts’ang (tzu Mo-ts’en, hao Hüan-ts’un, Shou-chü) was a native of Wu-hsien, Kiangsu. In 1753 A.D. he presented paintings to the Emperor and was made first, assistant, then minister of the Board of Finance. In landscape painting he began by studying Huang Ting (1660-1730 A.D.), but was also a disciple of Wang Yüan-ch’i (1642-1715 A.D.). A forest and ravine are blanketed with snow. A compactly formed range of mountains is entirely substantial. The use of short brush strokes, dry ink and repeated texture strokes give emphasis to areas which have been left white in order to convey a sense of accumulated snow. The wintry trees-branches and twigs intricately blended and disorderly-are painted in the manner of Li Ch’eng ( died 967 A.D.). The painting is signed and dated 1753.