石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2136&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁114&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十二冊,頁267-268&*永瑢(西元一七四三─一七九0年),高宗第六子。封質莊親王,自號九思主人。工詩文,能書畫,山水師近人黃堅,而能自闢一途。 一壑兩岸,山崗對峙,院中老梅吐艷,為冬天點景。山石用側筆折帶皴,表現層石積疊之狀。復用乾筆橫臥點苔,顯現出蒼茫的氣氛。枯木疏林,平坡亭子,皆受倪瓚畫風影響。 &*Yung Jung(1743-1790)(tzu Chiu-ssu chü-jen)was the sixth son of the Ch’ien-lung emperor and was conferred the title of prince. He was a skilled poet, calligraphy and painter. Having taken the contemporary artist Huang Chien as a model for landscape painting, he developed an individual style. A river valley separates two hills which face each other. Inside the courtyard an ancient plum puts forth its first blossoms. In the mountains and rocks Yung first used a slanted brush to add che-tai ts’un(several-belt texture strokes)which give the appearance of the layer upon layer of thinly faceted rock. Later he employed a horizontal brush to add dry moss dots. The compositional elements-dry wood and withered trees, flat banks and a pavilion-where obviously derived from the paintings of the Yüan master Ni Tsan.