石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁749&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁113&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十二冊,頁237-238&* 張若澄,字鏡壑,一字鍊雪,自號款花廬主人,安徽桐城人。乾隆十年(西元一七四五年)進士,官至內閣侍讀學士。工山水,能寫墨花,兼長翎毛。 本幅構圖為一河中過,兩岸夾峙,前景石岸上,老樹盤曲;對岸石壁延伸而出,層疊堆砌,其後可見涼亭一座,以竹林為襯,別是一番景緻。山石之描繪用折帶皴法,惟一再重覆,近似圖案的表現,略顯板滯。 &*A Pavilion Below Hazy Mountains Chang Jo-ch’eng (1722-1770) Ch’ing Dynasty (1644-1911) A native of T’ung-ch’eng, Anhui, Chanf Jo-ch’eng had style names Ching-huo and Lien-hsüeh, and sobriquet Hua-lu Chu-jen. He received the Chin-shih degree in 1745 and was a skilled painter of landscapes, monochrome flowers, birds and animals. In this painting, a river flows down diagonally form right to left and narrows as rocks from both shores protrudes into the stream. On this side, an old tree writhes up strangely and on the far side, rugged rocks pile up in many layers. Beyond them is seen a pavilion surrounded with bamboo thicket. Pictorially the rock formation and the repeated brushstrokes for the surface leave one with monotonous design.