石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁2003-2011&*故宮書畫錄(卷四),第二冊,頁219-229&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十九冊,頁281-290&* 周天球(西元一五一四-一五九五年),字公瑕,號幼海(明畫錄作幻海),長洲(今江蘇蘇州)人。諸生,少遊文徵明門下,習書法,徵明亟許可之,善大小篆、古隸、行、楷,晚能自得蹊徑。善寫蘭草,得鄭思肖法。自趙孟頫後寫蘭已少見,復於公瑕見之。甚為可喜。 本幅畫墨蘭十餘棵,或偃或仰、或濃或淡、極盡變化之能事,繁花幼蕊,幽香逼人,為周氏二十七歲之作。拖尾名家題識逾六十首,可謂盛矣。 &*Orchids in Monochrome Ink Chou T’ien-ch’iu (1514-1595) Ming Dynasty Chou T’ien-ch’iu (style name Kung-hsia; sobriquet Yü-hai) was a native of Ch’ang-chou (modern Suchou). A lower level civil service candidate, he became a student of Wen Cheng-ming at an early age. He also came to study calligraphy under Wen. Chou excelled at large and small ancient, clerical, running, and regular scripts, achieving his own style by his late years. He was gifted at depicting orchids and grass, following the style of Cheng Ssu-hsiao (fl. Ca. 1240-1310). After Chao Meng-fu (1254-1322), few artists depicted orchids, a theme which reappears to our delight in the works of Chou T’ien-ch’iu. Although this painting includes only ten or so orchid plants depicted in various positions and with differing gradations of ink, the manifestations created by the artist appear innumerable. The elegant and fragrant flowers and tender petals seem to press up to the viewer. Even more remarkable is that this work was done when Chou was but 26 years old. Appended to the end of the scroll are over sixty poems penned by famous writers, attesting to the admiration which this work received. &*周天球(西元一五一四-一五九五)字公瑕,江蘇蘇州人,從學文徵明,行書深得文氏認可。周氏受文徵明影響,也喜畫蘭蕙,這件手卷作於六十七歲,隨興寫來自有一種風致。畫上題跋多達六十餘則,隸草行楷無所拘限,從本幅延伸到拖尾,從詠贊蘭蕙到綜論畫蘭技法,足見當時文人之間藉此以文會友,樂在其中。周氏復於引首篆書「蘭皋清隱」,點明畫作的旨趣。&*Chou T'ien-ch'iu was a native of Soochow , Kiangsu province. He studied under the famous artist Wen Cheng-ming, his running script ultimately winning Wen's approval. Chou, under Wen's influence, also enjoyed painting orchids-and-grasses. This handscroll, done at the age of 66, is in his ultimate style that was rendered as the heart moved. More than 60 inscriptions adorn this handscroll and appear in all different script types. From the work of painting itself to the numerous end piece inscriptions, and from the chants in praise of orchids-and-grasses to the discussion of orchid painting methods, revealed herein is the friendly exchange between scholars and the pleasure that they found in it that so epitomizes literati art. Chou also included a frontispiece done in seal script that reads, “Eminence of Orchids, Pure and Remote”, which points to his objective in this work.