故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁54&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十一冊,頁489-494&*沃野千里,山河連綿。雲氣飄渺中,宮殿建築以壯觀的氣勢,展現在手卷的中段。殿閣廊亭,櫛比鱗次,囿中遍置奇花異卉,松、竹、柳樹,夾道列植,一片繁華縟麗。 各段景色,皆標出名稱,用青綠設色,取唐人古風。成畫殆在明清之際。 &*The Palace of the King of Yüeh Anonymous Limned in blue and green a vast walled palace complex emerges in the middle section of the handscroll, surrounded by open wilderness and bounded in the distance by watercourses and mountain ranges. Obscured in place by drifting mists and haze, the countless richly ornamented halls and pavilious completely fill the palace enclosure. Open spaces are planted with unusual flowers; pines, bamboo, and willows line the thoroughfares. Each point of interest is labeled in Chinese characters. This work is painted in a style reminiscent of that of the T'ang dynasty (618-907) but dates no earlier than the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) or Ch'ing (1644-1911) periods. &*1.〈無款越王宮殿圖〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《園林名畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1987年十月初版),頁79。 2.本社,〈無款越王宮殿圖卷〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第56期(1987年11月),封底裡。