故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁122&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十三冊,頁219-220&*冷枚,字吉臣,康熙(西元一六六二–一七二二)時宮廷畫家,擅長畫人物、山水。農曆八月十五是一年秋季正中,所以稱中秋,是桂花盛開、飄香的季節,此時月光也最為明亮皎潔,是賞月最好時節。中秋賞月在唐代已是約定俗成的傳統節日,有闔家團圓賞月,也有三五好友相聚登樓賦詩,而此幅士人靜坐獨賞清輝明月,別有一番情趣。畫中陰陽明暗的表現,是受到西洋光影技法的影響。&* Leng Mei was a famous court artist under the K'ang-hsi and Ch'ien-lung Emperors who specialized in figure and landscape painting with Western techniques. The 15th day of the 8th lunar month represents the middle of autumn, and the full moon at its largest then is celebrated on the Mid-Autumn Festival. It is also the time when the fragrance of cassia blossoms waft about. As early as the T'ang dynasty (618-907), viewing the mid-autumn moon was already an established tradition. A time for families to get together and view the moon, it was also when friends gathered at a high place to compose poetry. Here, a scholar quietly sits as he appreciates the moon. Leng's use of shading for the figures reveals the influence of Western art. &*1.譚怡令,〈清冷枚賞月圖〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第6期(1983年9月),封底。