石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2410&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁120&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十三冊,頁83-84&* 張宗蒼(一六八六-一七五六),江蘇吳縣人,字默存,一字墨岑,號篁村。善山水,出黃鼎之門,為王原祁再傳弟子,乾隆辛未(一七五一)入都,祇候內廷。 數峯聳立,瀑泉奔瀉而下,滙成一池,兩人坐松下觀泉。畫樹石多使用枯墨皴擦,筆墨渾成,無刻畫之跡,得其蒼秀之韻。 &*Gentlemen under Pines Chang Tsung-ts’ang (1686-1756) Ch’ing dynasty Chang Tsung-ts’ang was a native of Wu-hsien, Kiangsu. His style names were Mo-ts’un and Mo-ts’en; his sobriquet was Huang-ts’un. He excelled at landscape painting. A student of Huang Ting (1660-1730), he thereby absorbed the style of Huang’s teacher, Wang Yüan-ch’i (1642-1715). In 1751, he was summoned to the capital to serve as palace attendant. In this painting, several peaks rise majestically. A waterfall rushes down to form a pool below. Beneath pines two gentlemen sit and view the cascade. The artist used scumbled dry ink to depict the trees and rocks. Brush and ink are combined without a trace of stiffness, achieving a certain antique refinement.