石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第三冊,頁1247&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁120&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十三冊,頁73-74&* 張宗蒼,生於康熙二十五(西元一六八六)年,卒於乾隆二十一(西元一七五六)年,江蘇吳縣人。字默存,一字墨岑,號篁村,晚號瘦竹。乾隆十六年始入都,祇候內廷。善畫山水,出黃鼎之門,為王原祁再傳弟子。其畫法,慣以濕筆淡墨鈎出輪廓,層層加深,然後用焦墨枯筆加以皴擦,濃墨濕筆題破。故覺墨氣蒼莽,景物渾厚。&*Gazing at the Waterfall from the Bamboo Pavilion Chang Tsung-ts’ang Ch’ing dynasty Chang Tsung-ts’ang (1686-1756) was a native of Wu-hsien in Kiangsu. He had two style names, Mo-ts’un and Mo-ts’en, and the sobriquet Huang-ts’un, which in later years he changed to Shou-chu. He first came to the capital in 1751 and was summoned as a court painter. As a landscape painter he was a student of both Huang Ting (1660-post.1730) and Wang Yüan-ch’i (1642-1715). Chang’s method of painting was first to render the outline with a pale ink wash, layer on layer, and then to use the ‘burnt ink’ technique to add texture strokes. These were done with strong strokes of a heavily inked brush. The feeling given is one of great energy and strength.