故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁128&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁127-128&* 楊大章,乾隆時供奉內廷,作品見於乾隆三十一年(一七六六)至乾隆五十六年(一七九一)間,工畫人物、花鳥。 月影朦朧,蘆汀水波微興,芙蓉臨水而生,花葉繁茂。花蔭處,一對鴛鴦正交頸而眠,鴛鴦、芙蓉、野菊等之形態頗為寫實。但筆法以沒骨為主,線條鉤勒處筆意率性,明月四周,用淡墨烘染,全幅有疏朗的趣味,非以工謹取勝。 &*Birds Sleeping on an Autumn Branch Yang Ta-chang (fl. 1766-1791) Ch’ing Dynasty Yang Ta-chang was a palace-attendant during the reign of the Ch’ien-lung Emperor (r. 1736-1796). He specialized in paintings of figures and flowers and birds. Water swirls gently around the water weeds beneath a hazy moon. Hibiscus plants grow along the water’s edge. In the area shaded by the abundant leaves and blossoms, a pair of mandarin ducks sleep with their necks intertwined. The ducks, hibiscus, and wild chrysanthemums are all painted realistically using washes with few outlines or texture strokes. In places where outline strokes appear, they seem casual and unrestrained. The artist used light ink washes to represent the aura around the moon. Although lacking in detail, the entire scroll is imbued with a sense of clarity.