石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2460&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁128&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁159-160&*方琮字黃山,乾隆時(十八世紀後半)的宮廷畫家。學畫於張宗蒼(一六八八-一七五五),深得其傳。 此圖繪層巖溪閣,二人坐閣中聆聽松籟泉音。全畫構圖平穩,左邊山石高聳,右邊谿流迂緩。用筆沉著,山石皴法以乾、濕、濃、淡各種墨色層層擦染,以顯示蔥蔚沈厚的氣勢,頗異於同時宮廷繪畫甜俗之習。 &* Two men sit in a pavilion, listening to the soughing of the pines and the sounds of the stream. The composition is balanced thus: mountains and boulders rise up on the left side of the painting, while a stream meanders down the right. The texture-strokes of the mountains and forests are executed with a heavy brush in layers of various shadings of ink--dry, wet, thick, and thin--lending an air of lush verdancy to the scene. Fang’s style differs considerably from the saccharine vulgarities of contemporary court painters. Fang Ts’ung (whose style-name was Huang-shan) was a court painter of the Ch’ien-lung era (1736-1795). He studied painting with Chang Tsung-ts’ang (1686-1755) and thoroughly imbibed his teachings.