石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2463&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁128&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁155-156&*方琮,字黃山,生死時年籍貫皆不詳,以署款和畫風推測,疑為乾隆朝畫院中人。能畫山水,畫史稱他宗法元黄公望,但以作品面貌看,畫法接近李世倬、方土庶一路,學的都是王原祁渴筆乾皴法,而且山石分面和堆砌,又彷彿近似倪雲林,畫面充滿一片荒寒蕭瑟的氣氛。&* No details of the life of Fang Ts’ung (style name Huang-shan) have been recorded. Judging from the style of his paintings and the way in which they are signed, Fang was possibly a painter in the Imperial Painting Academy during the reign of the Ch’ien-ling emperor (1736-1796). Painting histories state that Fang Ts’ung’s landscape style was derived from that of the Yüan master Huang Kung-wang; however, his surviving paintings reveal a closer relationship to his contemporaries Li Shih-cho and Fang Shih-shu. All there employed a style clearly evolved from the dry-brush texture stroke methods of the early 18th century painter Wang Yüan-ch’i. Furthermore, the methods of massing and faceting the surfaces of rocks and mountains rather resemble the style of Ni Tsan of the Yüan, inbuing the finished work with a barren, cold, and mournful air.