石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁675&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁111&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十二冊,頁135-136&*沈宗敬(西元一六六九-一七三五年),字恪庭、南季,號獅峰,華亭(今松江屬上海市)人。文臣沈荃之子。康熙二十七年(一六八八年)進士,授翰林院編修,官至太僕寺卿,提督四譯館。精音律,善吹蕭、鼓琴,工詩、書。畫傳家學,山水師倪、黃,兼用巨然法。筆力古健,思致高遠,水墨居多,青綠亦偶為之。小景小幅尤佳。本幅畫高山巍峨,長松並立,據畫上題字「天壽如松。臣沈宗敬恭寫。」應是為皇帝祝壽之畫。(20110408)&*Shen Zongjing (style names Keting, Nanji; sobriquet Shifeng) was a native of Huating (modern Shanghai in Songjiang). The son of the official Shen Quan, he was a Presented Scholar (jinshi) of 1688 and became a Hanlin Academy Compiler, later serving up to the post of Court Chamberlain of the Imperial Stud and Superintendent of the Translators Institute. He excelled at music and was gifted at playing the flute and zither. He was also good at poetry and calligraphy. In painting, he followed the family tradition, in landscapes studying the manners of Ni Zan and Huang Gongwang while incorporating Juran's manner. His brush force is archaic and powerful, being lofty and deep. Mostly using ink, he also used blue and green, his small works being especially fine. This work, depicting lofty mountains with tall pines, is inscribed, "Heavenly longevity like the pine. Reverently done by Your Servant, Zongjing," indicating it was probably painted for the emperor's birthday.(20110408)&*沈宗敬(1669-1735)、字は恪庭、南季、号は獅峰、華亭(現在の上海市松江区)の人。 文臣沈荃の子。康熙27年(1688)進士、翰林院編修に任ぜられ、官位は太僕寺卿に達し、四訳館の監督にあたった。音律に精通していた沈宗敬は蕭と琴の演奏も善くし、詩と書にも長じていた。絵画は家学を伝え、山水画は倪瓚、黄庭堅に師法し、巨然の画法も合わせて用いた。古風で雄健な筆遣い、高遠な精神、水墨作品が非常に多いが青緑作品もある。小景小幅の作品がとりわけよい。本作には聳え立つ高山と立ち並ぶ松の木が描かれている。画上の題字を見ると、「天寿如松。臣沈宗敬恭写。」とあることから、皇帝の誕生日を祝って描かれた作品に違いない。(20110408)