故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁133 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁253-254&* 羅廷禧,畫史無傳,自款金陵人。 畫擎天巨柏一株,下作二石,蓋取其諧音一百(柏)二十(石)壽之意。 &* Art historical documents and records contain no references to Luo Tingxi. However, the artist’s signature gives the name of the city Jinling (modern Nanjing). This work shows a huge cypress tree towering up to the sky, and underneath it are two rocks. The combination of the sounds for “one cypress” (yibo) and “two rocks” (ershi) in Chinese is a homophone when combined together for the number 120, which would be a truly auspicious old age for one to live to. Thus, this work was probably done to congratulate the recipient’s birthday and extend wishes for longevity.