石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁676&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁101&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁143-144&* 戴天瑞,江蘇長洲人,字西塘,號賁園。生卒年不詳,但以畫幅上有康熙題詩與自署款,據此推測,聖祖時,戴氏已是內廷供奉畫家。善畫山水,兼工寫意,水草鱗介,頗有神韻。 峰巒重疊,林木相錯,山陬水湄,亭宇相望。全作以指代筆,樹石皆用指甲指頭沾墨和水,細鉤重染,意韻醇厚,毫無一般指畫之野氣。 &* Tai T’ien-jui (style name His-t’ang; sobriquet P’en-yüan) was a native of Ch’ang-chou, Kiangsu. Even though his birth and death dates are unknown, it can be inferred from the inscribed poems of the K’ang-hsi emperor (r. 1662-1722) and his inscriptions on his paintings that he had already been appointed as a painter in the inner court at that time. He excelled at depicting landscapes and was also good at rendering water plants and fish with the “sketching from life” method. They all possess an abundance of spirit harmony. Depicted in this painting are repeated layers of peaks, scattered forests, mountain nooks, lake shores, and the pavilions looking out upon them. The entire painting was done using the finger instead of a brush. All the trees and rocks were rendered with the finger tip and fingernail dipped in ink and water to produce fine outlines with repeated layers of wash. They have an air of harmony and gentleness which is nothing like the amateurish quality of ordinary finger paintings.