石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁673&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁101&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁161-162&* 王敬銘,字丹思,號味閒,又常署吳田翏、玉溪等號,江蘇嘉定人。生在聖祖康熙七(公元一六六八)年,死在康熙六十(公元一七二一)年。登五十二年進士。為舉子時,即以繪畫供奉內廷。畫山水曾受筆法於王原祁,所以作品中麓台氣息極重,雖然如此,仍能於師法外自闢蹊徑,畫法比較王原祁,筆路細緻清晰,著色沉靜蘊藉,氣韻雖欠蒼渾,但極秀腴而雅麗。對於佈景構圖,層巒複水,溪路林屋,尤能安置妥善有法,因此畫中景物井然、氣脈通透,畫面予人遼闊深邃之感。&*Landscape Wang Ching-ming (1668-1721) Ch’ing dynasty Wang Ching-ming (tzu Tan-ssu, hao Wei-hsien, Wu-liu, Yű-hsi, and others) was a native of Chia-ting in Kiangsu province. He took the chih-shih degree in 1713. Before attaining this degree he served as a court painter. In painting landscapes he followed Wang Yűan-ch’i, and in his works Wang Yűan-ch’i’s spirit is very strong. In spite of this he was able to develop his own style. In comparing his painting methods to those of Wang Yűan-ch’i, it can be seen that Wang Ching-ming’s brushwork is more precise and fine and that his use of color is quieter and more refined. Although the atmosphere of his works lacks a certain strength, the works are nevertheless luxuriant and elegant. He was especially skilled in composition, and thus the scenery in his works is very well arranged, the arteries carrying the life-breath are incisive and a feeling of vastness and depth are imparted to the viewer.