故宮書畫圖錄,第十八冊,頁63-68&* 冷謙(活動於十四世紀),字啟禹,號龍陽子,武陵(湖南常德人),寓居浙江嘉興。為道士,傳說元末(一三六七)已百餘歲。善畫山水及道教人物事蹟。 本幅以水墨濃淡的筆致描繪道教群仙匯聚,內含「劉海戲蟾」、「八仙過海」等場面,計有男女老少三十餘人,姿態表情無不生動活潑、詼諧風趣。作者於卷末款識表示,此畫為追摹北宋名家李公麟的作品。 &* Leng Ch’ien, a native of Hunan province, resided in Chekiang. A Taoist said to have been over 100 years old in 1367, he also painted landscapes and Taoist figures. This painting done in light and dark ink is a description of a gathering of Taoist immortals. The figures include such scenes as Liu Hai-ch’an and his toad as well as the “Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea’. Altogether, there are 39 figures here. The lively immortals are shown in all manners of actions and poses. According to the artist’s inscription at the end of the scroll, this work was done after a painting by the famous Northern Sung painter Li Kung-lin.