秘殿珠林續編(乾清宮),頁185 &*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁133 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁171-172&* 馮翊,生卒年不詳,江蘇崑山人,字漢來。乾隆間(西元十八世紀)供奉內廷畫院。善畫人物,筆墨工妙,又兼能傳真寫照,曾經繪畫聖蹟圖,能夠變化舊法,深為院中同事稱讚。 本幅畫能在二十餘公分徑圓內,勾畫二十四臂觀音,手執法器端坐蓮座,天空中祥雲髣髴,花雨紛飛,諸鬼、天神,菩薩簇擁前進,人物用筆細若毫絲,而遒勁生動不失,且能各具表情,此亦可見他畫技的精湛與純熟。 &*Feng I (style name Han-lai) came from K’un-shan, in Kiangsu province. The dates of his birth and death are not known, but he serve in the Imperial Painting Academy during the reign of Ch’ien-lung (1736-1795). He specialized in painting figures in meticulous detail and with thotal realism, using Western techniques of chiaroscuro. He did paintings of Christian subject-matter which combined elements of western and traditional Chinese styles. Feng I was much admired by his colleagues in the Painting Academy. In this painting Feng I outlined the twenty-four arms of Kuan-yin in a circle twenty-odd centimeters in diameter. The Bodhisattva is seated on a lotus throne and holds various religious implements in her hands. The sky is filled with clouds and populated with spirits, apsarases, and other beings. The figures are rendered with a brush as fine as hair, and yet a sense of movement and vitality is not sacrificed in the effort to clearly reveal every detail. This painting is a good example of the skill and beauty of Feng I’s style. &*馮翊,生卒年不詳,江蘇崑山人,字漢來。乾隆間(西元十八世紀)供奉內廷畫院。善畫人物,筆墨工妙,又兼能傳真寫照,曾經繪畫聖蹟圖,能夠變化舊法,深為畫院人稱讚。 本幅在二十餘公分徑圓內,勾畫二十四臂觀音,手執法器端坐蓮座,天空中祥雲髣髴,花雨紛飛,諸鬼、天神,菩薩簇擁前進,人物用筆細若毫絲,遒勁生動,且各具表情,可見作者畫技的精湛純熟。(20091016) &* Feng Yi (style name Hanlai), a native of Kun-shan, Jiangsu, served the Painting Academy at the Qianlong (1736-1795) court, specializing in figures of meticulous detail and great realism. He also did subjects dealing with the sages, combining innovation and tradition and being admired by colleagues in the Academy. Here Feng Yi outlined the 24 arms of the bodhisattva Guanyin in a circle 20-plus centimeters in diameter. Guanyin sits on a lotus throne holding religious implements. The sky is filled with auspicious clouds, flower petals, spirits, demon and other beings. The figures are done with brushwork as fine as silk, yet movement and vitality are not sacrificed to reveal the details. This is a fine example of Feng Yi’s skill and maturity in art.(20091016)