故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁115&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十二冊,頁313-314&* 劉九德(約活動於十七世紀末),字陽升,順天(今北平)人。擅畫人物,尤精於仕女及寫眞。康熙(西元一六六二至一七二一)年間,詔寫康熙帝像稱旨,賜官中書。 一頭獅子立於溪畔,巨碩粗壯,幾充塞滿幅,展現雄壯威武之氣勢。畫家以較工僅之筆法畫獅子,於毛髮尤刻意工筆描繪,至於背景則放筆寫之,得疎逸工謹相融之趣。 &* Liu Chiu-te, style name Yang-sheng, was a native of Shun-t’ien (modern Peip’ing). He excelled at figure paintings, and his realistic images of palace ladies are particularly lovely. During the reign of the K’ang-hsi Emperor, Liu was commanded to paint the Emperor’s portrait. As a result, he was granted the title of secretary. A lion stands beside a stream. The massive creature nearly fills the composition, its giant form emanates power and strength. The painter used meticulous strokes to create this image. The lion’s mane however, was painted with looser, free-style brushwork. Liu also used looser brushwork to represent the background scenery, providing an interesting contrast to the central figure.