故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁134&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁309-310&*畫駿馬翔玉驄,作者無款,不知出於誰氏,而畫法有朗世寧之影響。上為清宣宗甲申(一八二四)之題。&*Horse Painting Inscribed by the Emperor Tao Kuang Anonymous Ch’ing dynasty (1644-1911) Although there is no artist’s signature, the style of this painting, shows the influence of the Jesuit painter Castigilione (Lang Shin-ning). An inscription on the top of the painting by the Tao Kuang Emperor bears the date 1824. The subject of this painting is a horse with the name “Hsiang Yü tsung”, who was known for his speed and beauty.