石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁811-812&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁135&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁361-362&* 唐岱(西元一六七三年生-卒年待考)。滿州人,字毓東,號靜巖,一號默莊,聖祖曾御賜畫狀元。乾隆時(西元一七三六至一七九五年)祇候內廷。孫祜,江蘇人,乾隆時內廷供奉。二人畫山水,都是師法婁東王原祁一派。 本幅雖題款為倣宋人畫,畫法純屬清人風格。然取景布局,不取瑣碎。山石皴紋化披麻為短筆擢斫,筆力勁健,正所謂筆簡氣壯。 &*After ‘First Touch of Spring in a Wintry Valley’ by Li T’ang T’ang Tai (1673-after 1752) and Sun Hu (act. 1736-1795) Ch’ing Dynasty T’ang Tai (style name Yü-tung; sobriquets Ching-yen and Mo-chuang) was a Manchurian. His landscape painting was so excellent that the K’ang-hsi emperor (r.1662-1772) bestowed upon him the title “doctor” of painting. He served as a court painter during the Ch’ien-lung reign (1736-1795). Sun Hu, a native of Kiangsu, was summoned to the capital during the Ch’ien-lung period to serve as a court artist. Both T’ang Tai and Sun Hu studied and emulated the style of landscape paintings by Wang Yüan-ch’i. Though the inscription claims that this painting was executed in the style of Sung painters, the style is definitely that of Ch’ing landscapists. The composition is not fragmented with details. The texture stroke for the mountains and rocks is a modified variation of the hemp fiber stroke in which the brushwork is short and cutting, thus making the depiction full of force with spare use of brushstrokes.