石渠寶笈三編(御書房),第七冊,頁3097&*故宮書畫錄(卷二),第一冊,頁6&*沈度(西元一三五七—一四三四年)字民則,號自樂,華亭(今上海)人,是永樂至宣德初年重要的宮廷書家,擅長各體書,書風婉麗典雅,有「館閣體」之稱。「歸去來辭」是東晉詩人陶淵明的名作,文中表達淡泊名利,追求圓滿自足的田園之樂,向來是文人雅士嚮往的理想境界。此幅隸書用筆勁健,點畫平齊規律,或是想要以拙樸有古意的書體傳達千載以前陶詩的意境。&*Shen Tu, a native of Shanghai, was a major calligrapher in the Yung-lo (1403-1424) and Hsuan-te (1426-1435) eras. He excelled at all script types and his style was graceful and classical. It later was referred to as the "Academy Style". Homecoming Ode was written by the famous recluse-poet T'ao Yuan-ming (d. 427) and expresses the rejection of wealth and fame in the search for self-fulfillment and the simple joys of life. It has represented the ideal of scholar-officials ever since. Shen's clerical script in this work is strong. The brushwork is even and the ink is dark as the calligraphy fills the entire work. Perhaps Shen wished to use a simple and archaic style to reflect the immortality of this masterpiece by T'ao.&*東晉安帝義熙元年(405)十一月,陶淵明(372-427)辭彭澤令歸田,作〈歸去來兮〉一文,抒寫辭官退隱的心情與生活。這篇文章文情並茂,後世傳頌不絕。其中所表達的淡泊名利,追求圓滿自足的田園之樂,向來為失意文人嚮往的理想境界,在歷代繪畫與書法中,也經常看到以這篇文章為表現題材。 沈度字民則,號自樂,華亭(今上海市松江)人,是明成祖永樂朝至宣宗宣德初年,宮廷中具有領導地位的書家,他早年的行蹤記載不詳,只知道他是讀書人出身。成祖即位,詔令簡選能書者入翰林院,沈度被選入朝中,擔任朝廷書寫詔令碑版及其他文書的職務,官至侍講學士。在諸多工書者中,成祖最欣賞沈度,曾以「我朝王羲之」稱之。晚年由侍講學士轉任太子的秘書。 沈度無論篆、隸、楷、行、八分書都很擅長,書法又有「婉麗飄逸,雍容矩度」的特色,此幅是他難得的隸書作品。隸書在東漢發展到高峰,漢代以後逐漸沒落,成為少數書家使用的古體,後來到明以前經過幾次短暫的復興,但比起行、草與楷書,已非主流。沈度的隸書用筆勁健,點畫平齊勻整,十分規律,結構也力求精確緊密,整體看來,略顯得刻板。沈度因職務的背景,在寫隸書時也流露了和楷書一樣的精整風格。不過當時隸書是具有古意的書體,沈度用來書寫陶淵明的〈歸去來辭〉,或許也是為了表現千載以前的古意。(何傳馨)&*1.朱惠良,〈明沈度書歸去來辭〉,收入《雲間書派特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1994年初版),頁118-119。 2.何傳馨,〈明沈度隸書歸去來辭〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《文學名著與美術特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2001年初版),頁150-151。 3.何傳馨,〈「天子之寶 — 台北國立故宮博物院的收藏」展品系列(五) — 書法、圖書文獻〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第248期(2003年11月),頁15。 &*沈度(1357-1434)字民則,號自樂,華亭(今上海)人,是永樂至宣德初年重要的宮廷書家,擅長各體書,書風婉麗典雅,有「館閣體」之稱。「歸去來辭」是東晉詩人陶淵明的名作,文中表達淡泊名利,追求圓滿自足的田園之樂,向來是文人雅士嚮往的理想境界。此幅隸書用筆勁健,點畫平齊規律,承襲唐代以來隸書的面貌。(20110913)&*Shen Du (style name Minze, sobriquet Zile), a native of Huating (modern Shanghai), was a major court calligrapher in the Yongle and Xuande eras. He excelled at all script types and his style was graceful and classical, later being referred to as the “Academy Style.” “Homecoming Ode” was written by the famous Eastern Jin recluse-poet Tao Yuanming and expresses the rejection of wealth and fame in the search for self-fulfillment and the simple joy of rustic life. It has represented the ideal of scholar-official yearning ever since. The clerical script in this work is strong, the dots and strokes being even and regulated, preserving the appearance of clerical script down through the ages.(20110913)