石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2503-2509 &*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁164-171 &*薛紹彭(活動於11世紀),生卒年不詳。字道祖,晚號翠微居士。陝西長安人。家藏晉唐法書甚豐,擅長行、草、真書,在北宋元符年間與米芾齊名。 此幅結體精美,法度嚴謹而又灑脫流宕,字字宛轉遒逸,風流蘊藉。仍見渾厚之晉唐傳統神韻,深得二王遺筆意者,又兼得米芾筆意,用鋒多側勢,行筆中卻見筋含骨,頗具力度。選自「宋賢書翰」冊。&*Hsüeh Shao-p'eng, a native of Shensi, came from a family with a large collection of calligraphy from the Chin and T'ang. He specialized in running, cursive, and regular script. In the 11th century, he was as famous as Mi Fu in calligraphy. The structure in this work is exquisite and the arrangement still quite regular, but it also has a spirited and easy manner. Each character turns freely. The tradition spirit harmony of Chin and T'ang calligraphy is still clearly evident, and traces of the style of the Two Wangs are also seen in addition to that of Mi Fu. The tip of the brush was held at angles with considerable force. Thus, the "tendons" with "bones"(structure)is revealed. This is from the album Calligraphy by the Sung Sages.