石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁709 &*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁151 &*故宮歷代法書全集,第十一冊,頁66-87、196-198&*黃庭堅(西元一0四五-一一0五年),江西分寧人。字魯直,號涪翁。治平四年(一0六七)二十三歲進士,作過縣尉、校書郎、起居舍人、國史編修、知州等官。 他的書法初學周越,下筆沉著有法度,其後大字行書取法瘗鶴銘,草書師張旭、懷素,用筆頓挫起伏,結體傾側多姿,獨具面貌。本幅書尺牘一則,以圓筆藏鋒書之,勁健婉通,粘滯有力。本幅選自「宋四家集冊」。(20100102)&* Huang Tingjian was a native of Fenning, Kiangsi. A Presented Scholar of 1067, he held such positions as District Defender, Editor, Imperial Diarist, Historiography Compiler, and Prefect. In calligraphy, he initially studied under Zhou Yue, his brushwork calm and steady. Later, he took the Yihe inscription as his model for large characters and studied the cursive script of the Tang masters Zhang Xu and Huaisu. His brushwork was full of pauses, the characters often leaning with many forms to give his calligraphy a unique appearance. This work is a letter written with round brushwork concealing the tip, giving it a powerful yet graceful effect while being viscous and strong. This is a leaf from the album entitled “Collection of the Four Song Masters.”(20100102)