石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁669&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁266&*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁221-222&*這幅畫霜雪後,群鴉聚在枯木上跳躍鼓噪,各有不同的姿態。畫鴉弧形特別多,漬染陰陽分明,顯得渾圓可愛。樹幹的用筆,像是不停地折轉運行,形成許多剝裂的老皮和癭瘤,顯得非常蒼勁古老。坡土、竹葉還覆蓋著白雪,古樹在殘雪輝映中,不禁有嚴寒蕭條之感,但鳴噪的群鴉,卻給畫面帶來了活潑的生意。&*After a snow and frost, a flock of eastern jackdaws gathers in the branches of a gnarled treeflitting and jostling, cawing and squawking. In various poses, they prepare to settle down for the night and are charming and attractive. Brushwork for the branches and trunk was done in a seemingly endless motion of tortuously twisting and turning strokes. The crust-like, shaggy bark and knotty protrusions create an aura of vigor and antiquity.On the slope below, bamboo leaves are covered with a dusting of snow. The old tree, amidst the reflected light of the powdery snow, cannot but exude a chilling and desolate aura. The flock of cackling eastern jackdaws, however, enlivens the scene considerably.