故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁82-83 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第二冊,頁95-96&*1.〈閻次平四樂圖〉,收入國立故宮博物院編,《晚明變形主義畫家作品展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1977年九月初版),頁512。 &*閻次平(活動於西元12世紀末至13世紀初)。閻仲之子,工畫牛及山水人物。隆興初,進畫稱旨,補將士郎。 四樂圖者,指漁樵耕讀四事也。本幅畫讀者在室,釣者在水,耕者在野,蓋樵者在山本不可見,故闕之也。舊說閻次平畫山水,髣?李唐,而蹟不逮意云。&*The "four pleasures " are fishing, woodcutting, plowing, and reading. In this painting, a scholar is in his study, a fisherman is by the water, and farmers are in the fields, but there is no sign of a woodcutter who is possibly hidden from view in the forest. Formerly attributed to Yen Tz'u-p'ing, this painting is much closer in style to the school of Yüan Chiang of the Ch'ing dynasty. Yen Tz'u-p'ing was the son of the painter Yen Chung. Early in the Lung-hsing era (1163-1165), he presented a painting to the emperor and was rewarded with a minor official post. He was skilled in painting oxen, landscapes, and figures, and it has been said that he emulated, though did not equal, the style of Li T'ang (ca. 1050-1130).