石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁658&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁23&*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁91&*1.傅申,〈巨然存世畫蹟之比較研究〉,《故宮季刊》,第二第二期(1967年十月),51-79。 &*江中一峰突起,中隔一水,溪橋洲渚,遙峰遠水,一舟橫渡。山石全用披麻皴,圓筆中鋒,層層皴染,墨色淋漓,畫樹亦以中鋒,雖細小處,仍具酣暢之勢。此幅並無名款,詩塘董其昌題識定為巨然作品,然與現藏本院之元代吳鎮清江春曉並列比對,兩幅之筆墨構圖,山石林木造型,皆有近似之處,似乃出於同一機杼之作。巨然(活動於十世紀後期),南京人,開元寺和尚。擅畫山水,畫法學自董源。 &*In the middleground of this work rises a massive mountain as an encircling river flows diagonally across the composition. "Hemp-fiber" strokes model the mountains and rocks while layers of washes imbue them with a sense of dampness. This unsigned painting bears an inscription by the famous Ming connoisseur Tung Ch'i-ch'ang, who considered it a chü-jan original. Unmistakable similarities with Spring Dawn over the River by Wu Chen (1280-1354) in terms of composition as well as brush and ink, however, suggest that these two works came from the same hand. Chü-jan, a native of Nanking, was a monk at the K'ai-yüan Temple. He excelled at painting landscapes and followed the style of Tung Yüan.