故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁18 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁73&*1.高木森,〈故宮博物院所藏李頗風竹圖的時代問題〉,《故宮季刊》,第十二卷第三期(1978年春),頁77-89。 &*李坡(活動於西元十世紀中葉),一作頗,江西南昌人。善畫竹,氣韻飄舉,不求小巧,任率落墨,便有生意,然傳世作品不多。世傳墨竹畫,起源於五代南唐時郭崇韜妻李夫人。此幅畫坡石間,竹幹兩竿,臨風搖曳,舊傳為李坡作品。然以竹葉出枝,與焦墨枯筆畫法論,頗似元人作風。 &*Li P’o, a native of Nan-ch’ang in Kiangsi, excelled at painting bamboo in an elegant manner. Not striving for technical virtuosity, he let the ink loose for a lively effect. Few of his works, however, are extant. Surviving works of bamboo in monochrome ink are said to have originated with the wife of Kuo Ch’ung-t’ao in the Southern T’ang who went by the surname Li. This work depicts a few stalks of bamboo on a slope among earthen forms as they sway in the breeze. The old attribution is to Li P’o, but the bamboo leaves and growth of the branches, along with the scorched ink and dry brushwork, appear more similar to the techniques of a Yüan dynasty (1279-1368) artist. &*坡石間,墨竹兩竿,臨風搖曳,葉葉相交,似颯颯有聲,曲盡生意。本幅無畫家款印,舊傳為李坡作品。然由土坡至竹叢主幹作明顯之S形構圖,極類本院所藏之文同〈墨竹〉,而焦墨枯筆畫法又頗似元人作風,疑為元人所為。 李坡(活動於10世紀中期),一作頗,江西南昌人。善畫竹,氣韻飄舉,不求小巧,任率落墨,便有生意,然傳世作品不多。 (20110913)&*This work depicts a few stalks of bamboo on a slope swaying in the breeze among earthen forms. The leaves intersect so that it is almost as if we can hear them rustle in the wind, creating a most lively effect. The painting bears no seal or signature of the artist, but its old attribution is to Li Po. However, the obvious “S”-shaped composition from the slope to the main bamboo cluster is quite similar to Wen Tong’s “Bamboo in Monochrome Ink,” also in the Museum collection. Furthermore, the method of painting with scorched ink is quite similar to the style used in the Yuan dynasty, suggesting this work may have been done by a Yuan artist. Li Po, a native of Nanchang in Jiangsi, excelled at painting bamboo in a refined and elegant manner. Not striving for technical virtuosity, he let the ink loose for a direct and lively effect. Unfortunately, few of his works are extant. (20110913)